Sarena's Tarot
Inner Light
Dealing with difficult situations.
Often times we find ourselves dealingwith
situations that we are not prepared for, and thus emotionsthat
we aren't ready to accept. When things go badly, we wantso much
to find a reason for them, rather than looking towardsa solution.
We have all experienced periods of darkness. Thisis one of the
best times to find our own inner "light".We all have
what it takes to get through. It comes from within,given to us
by our creator. We sometimes need times of darknessin order to
realize just how strong our inner light is. Afterall, we cannot
see light in light. Remember when getting a tarotreading that
the cards are but a glimpse into what could be. Wehave the ability
to change things if they aren't the way theyshould be. This change
has to come first from within. When youask someone to give you
a reading, keep in mind that what is beingprojected represents
the question or situation you asked aboutand ,though read in general
terms,...actually refers to but onesegment of your life. Also,
be aware that you have the power toalter what is coming. The cards
can only reflect what you, yourselfare feeling. They are extensions
of your own thoughts and ideas,when those to would
another reading done on the samesubject. This is why many times
a person may get different readingson the same subject. There
is nothing worse than asking for areading over and over and over
again on the same subject. Mostreaders will refuse to read on
the same topic unless a span ofthree months or so have passed,
or a major change has happenedthat may influence the outcome.
Otherwise, to keep getting a readingon the same subject again
is not good. It should be discouraged.
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Last Updated: May 22, 1998 ©copyright
Sarena's Tarot 1997